Case Study: Providing complete TOUCHLESS HiRing globally

About Client: Information Technology and Services | Established 22+ years ago | Public Company | Global presence | 70K+ employees

Problem Statements:

  • No standardization, biased approach to hiring across regions & functions
  • Huge time & cost involved in hiring over 35k agents yoy
  • Create differentiation to win business over competitors basis the hiring methodology
  • Enable end to end recruitment automation process globally


  • Initial benchmarking across 9k job-seekers translated into 700 hires with 80% accuracy & 90% cost saving
  • Business leaders, teams & clients were involved to be part of the change from manual/semi-automated to TOUCHLESS HiRing
  • New asks were customized and the product was stabilized in India & Asia before global implementation


  • Hiring is a standardized process across 16 countries & all business functions
  • Over 70% saving on cost & over 80% saving on time as hiring decisions happen within 60 minutes against 1-2 days earlier
  • Client has started pitching for business with differentiator as: unique TOUCHLESS TECH used for hiring & quality

Case Study: Recruitment w/o biases & across location

About Client:

Leading Insurance Provider Co | Inc 17+ years ago | Joint Venture | Pan-India presence | 10K+ employees

Problem Statements:

  • Huge funnel rate hence selection process bias driven
  • No method to source candidates living in tier 3 city to work in metros, who invariably are right candidates


  • Hiring parameters dramatically differ from one region to another, though internally it was assumed as common parameters prior to Talocity
  • Believes in hiring the right talent and deep dive into Tier-I, Tier-II and Tier-III cities and Talocity enabling digital reach
  • 75% accuracy derived & improving via Talscore
  • Bias managed via Talscore cut-off rates & feature to review videos rather than search through paperwork
  • HR can't be blamed for quality of hire; Ops & Quality team now jointly responsible for quality as records kept by HR 60 days post joining


  • Team: 75% reduced, Time: 80% reduced, Cost: 70% reduced
  • Quality: Scientific selection process leading to right hire | Human biases managed by system | Responsibility of quality on Ops & Quality teams
  • Candidate Experience: New age & happening versus Old age & Orthodox
  • Client experienced the power of Digital medium of sourcing. This improved reach in all remote locations and reduced the cost of 30-40%
  • Now benchmarking of profile for success has been done for entire sales team to identify success profile & use for appraisal input & has become an annual exercise. The cognitive analytics provides over 100+ decision parameters across personality attributes & linking to job-competencies

Case Study: Job access at bottom of pyramid

About Client:

Giant Micro Finance Co | Inc 10+ years ago | Subsidiary of RBI | Pan-India presence | 10K+ employees | Provides Housing loans to farmers

Problem Statements:

  • Video reach job seekers across rural & semi urban areas of India
  • Manage high attrition, multiple studies failed: Hiring 400 per month of which 350 attrite every month
  • Enable the machine to learn & hire the right candidates using deep technology, video interviews & artificial intelligence


  • Client hired candidates who were Extroverts and displayed Self-discipline and such candidates leave within 0 to 6 months, but no historical study provided clarity around the right hire
  • Within 2 weeks of implementation & 500 Video interviews, the machine suggested that the Candidates who don't attrite & perform are actually Introverts & react more readily to the ups and downs of life and they were a part of the system from 1 to 3 years.
  • Since it's a micro-finance normally one argues sales people need to be extrovert but here the territory was very different, the farmers used to feel intimidated with the extrovert people whereas the introverts were easy to jell up with and customers used to feel easy to open up.
  • Candidates gave interviews from farm lands, local grocery shops & various hotspots, Spent just INR 2-3 rupees on data usage for video interview upload, Saved daily wages cost of INR 150 for not wasting time to travel to city for the interview, Saved travel cost for not travelling to city amounting to INR 80-100 & moreover No recruitment agents could manipulate the job-seekers


  • Candidate experience was delightful & the right hire were auto-selected by the machine
  • The attrition reduced by over 60%, Time: 90% reduced, Cost: 95% reduced
  • Quality: Scientific selection process leading to right hire | No human biases | No historical analysis | Cognitive hiring

Case Study: Campus recruitment gets leaner and sharper

About Client:

Retail Giant | Inc 20+ years ago | Public Company | Pan-India presence | 120K+ employees

Problem Statements:

  • Missing the cream of college campus due to lengthier process of selection
  • Higher attrition of the new joiners


  • There is no standardization of the selection criterion, leading to mismatch in hiring
  • Teams are stretched as they have to fill 250+ positions within a span of less than 90 days. Considerate time of centralized teams are invested on travel to multiple locations due to teams feel pressure of hiring
  • Better quality candidates are lost to the competitors
  • Client POC was confused on how to leverage Talocity value proposition to solve above problem statements
  • Client teams extensively leveraged the filtering criterion. Traits of the “Success Profiles” was key input to shortlisting of profiles from Campus


  • Complete Campus season of 2018 & 2019 was concluded on Talocity platform. 15 Tier I colleges and over 3.5k students appeared for the assessment
  • 83% of time of the recruiters was saved as client only met 15% of the candidates, recommended by Talocity
  • Client recruitment team had the first move advantage due to leaner process of selection
  • Machine learning enabled client to identify the traits that differentiates Top Performers from the Average Performers